Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valetines Day!

I suppose Superwoman would spend the day running around doing loving and romantic things for her family, but I am NOT superwoman. Instead, I am sitting in the living room blogging and watching "The Doctors" episodes that I had recorded this week. I don't even think I told my family "Happy Valentines Day". I need to do that soon.

My son is here recording a romantic video message for his new wife. He is very romantic when it comes to his Honey Bunny. He has roses and a beautiful necklace for her and he told her that he would pick her tonight for a dinner date.

The highlight of my day will be cleaning house. I am allergic to flowers, I don't really care about candy and don't wear jewelry except my wedding rings. My poor husband is at a loss as to what to do for me when it comes to special days like this. I prefer service related things, like helping me clean the house or working in the yard or on the car. Even better is to take my daughter somewhere and let me have alone time to recharge my internal batteries.

Well, I guess I better go spend some time with my family. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You could have come with us...we had a romantic evening - went to see My Bloody Valentine in 3D. Ah, the signs of being married over the 5 year mark...
