Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I did not disappear...

I haven't blogged in over a week. Its just been one of those weeks where I have a lot of thoughts to process. I have been having trouble with my ankle so I went in last Monday and had an MRI done. I went back to the doctor on Thursday and got the results. I have a torn peroneal tendon on the right side of my foot and the achilles tendon is deteriorating so there is a lot of scar tissue. I have to have surgery. I will be in a cast for six weeks and will not be able to go to the office for three of those weeks. I am hating the constraints that this will put on my life.

I got to bring the MRI films home with me to take to the doctor. Even though I had no idea what I was looking at, I looked at all the pictures. There was one that looked really weird. I swear it looks like the side view of a skull in my ankle. I held the film up to the light on my ceiling fan and took a picture with my cellphone real quick so I could show everyone. What do you think?

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